Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bonding in Logan

Hey Mom,

How's it going?

So, dad had a get together at his new place in Logan.
Whenever he plans a party, he always says it's about that time for us to "get together and do some bonding"...

I have to admit, it wasn't half bad!
We had the clubhouse to ourselves.
The kids had the pool to themselves.
And, as you know, we ROCK at food, so, of course, that part was great too!

Here is a little recap in case you missed something:

A funny little story about the picture above: Vicki saw Rook cards at the store this morning and naturally thought of you-so she bought them to bring to our bonding party. I bid 75, and at that moment I am just sure that I saw you closing your eyes and plugging your ears. (75 is just way too high! ) It made me smile.
Also: I super duper love the air high-five Matt and Rick are giving each other. It's awesome.


The thing is, I still can't believe that your house is sold.
I still can't believe that you don't live in your house (that is now sold).
Sometimes, my brain still doesn't allow me to know that this is actually real.
Sometimes, my brain is protecting me from knowing that this is actually real.
Because the hurt is too much.

But, we are warriors.
We keep fighting.
We still get together, no matter how much it hurts.
And it is starting to hurt just a little less.
And, we know it is what you would want us to do.
So, we carry on.
Much like you carry on.
I just SO wish that we were carrying-on together.
I think you wish that, too.

But, we will just keep being warriors until we ARE carrying-on together.

Guess that's all for today.

Talk to you soon,

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